cockroach pest

Common Household PESTS and BUGS in ARIZONA and CALIFORNIA

Common Pests And Insects That Affect Arizona and California

When looking into pest control services, it is best to have some limited knowledge about the various pests, insects, and other nuisances that trouble people. The more you know about your enemy, the easier it will be to defeat it. There is no doubt that ants, spiders, roaches, crickets, mice, rats, scorpions, bats, raccoons, skunks, and squirrels are the enemy of many Arizona households. By taking some time to understand the basic distinctions, behaviors, and life cycles of the many annoying creatures that you may wish to remove from your home, you will have a leg up in the process of eliminating pests.

First thing is first. Here are the basics in understanding over ninety percent of all the animal kingdom. That large section is made up of arthropods. Arthropods are different from other animals by having a skeleton on the outside of their bodies. Their bodies are segmented into clearly defined sections like that of an armored knight. Each leg and all other appendages have a joint to allow movement. The other unique feature is what is known as bilateral symmetry, where each side of their body is an exact copy of the other. With the phylum of arthropods exists many classes, which are distinct from one another, such as Insects, Arachnids, Crustaceans, Chilopods, and Diplopods. These five distinctive classes make up over one million different species of pests, bed bugs, and otherwise creepy crawly creatures.

Most people are familiar with the class called Insects. These should be common to all Arizona residents as there are over one million different species of insects throughout the world. Insects are made up of grasshoppers, butterflies, ants, flies, cockroaches, beetles, termites, and others. The unique features of insects are their bodies, which have three regions: a head, thorax, and abdomen. The thorax contains six legs, which each have three individual segments. Some adults can have up to two pairs of wings attached to the thorax, and some have no wings. All insects possess two antennae and also have two lateral compound eyes.

The next class will probably account for the greatest amount of fears and late-night screams by residents than any other on the list. This terrifying class makes up the Arachnids, which have a well-known cast consisting of spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, and others. Arachnids here make up more than sixty-five thousand known species worldwide. Arachnids are made up of two distinct body regions: a cephalothorax and an abdomen section. Each arachnid can be found with eight legs and no antennae. They have unique mouth parts, which act as appendages. In spiders, these appendages are found as fangs.

Now let’s look at the familiar Crustaceans. Immediately one will think out loud that crustaceans live in the ocean, and living in Arizona and California, most are rather far from the sea. While this class includes crabs, shrimps, lobsters, barnacles, isopods, and others, it also includes pill bugs or sow bugs.

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And pill bugs are found in Arizona, California and throughout the southwest. Crustaceans are made up of only two body regions, two pairs of antennae, and each has more than five pairs of legs. Add this classification to your trivia list as most crustaceans are aquatic, yet a few lesser-known terrestrial species are included. However, most would be surprised with you tell them that Arizona has land-dwelling crustaceans.

Next is the class of Chilopods, where there are over three thousand species of centipedes. Each chilopod has a very well-defined head with one pair of antennae. They are capable of injecting their prey with venom by using their first pair of legs to deliver the toxic poison to its victims. Chilopods are completely flat on their top side, as well as their bottom side. The other unique feature that makes them interesting is their body sections; each has one pair of legs per segment. Many people think that all centipedes have one hundred legs; this is a myth, as most common centipedes do not even have one hundred legs.

The last class to be described are the Diplopods. Here are over ten thousand worldwide species of millipedes. Millipedes may look like centipedes, but these creatures are better known for having more legs as each of their body segments contain two pairs of legs. The first four body segments only have one pair of legs. So now your trivia list should contain at least three new facts about these creepy crawly creatures. Diplopods all have only one pair of antennae, a well-defined head, and are almost always cylindrical in shape. Unlike the centipedes, these many-legged creatures are very slow-moving and are most often not poisonous.

Now that you have the basic phylum and class information of the pests, bed bugs, crickets, and creepy crawlers that are found in Arizona, here are the most common cast of characters:

  • Flies – which are insects that live in garbage and anywhere animal feces are present. Flies are attracted to dead animals within a matter of moments after a death occurs. The adult flies will eat any sugar-based food, which includes rotting fruit. The larvae will be found eating feces and decaying animal flesh.
  • Cockroach – another common insect may take the part of the very best known of all pest species. The most well-known species are the American cockroach and the German cockroaches. These creatures may be the hardiest of all living insects on Earth.
  • Spider – These are natural predators that eat other insects. They will commonly devour flies, bees, crickets, moths, and others, making them a very useful part of the environment as they eat so many different kinds of insects. A spider can inflict a painful bite that can seriously affect humans.
  • Termites – Termites are some of the most destructive pests in the United States. Termites cause billions of dollars of damage in Amercia, making termite inspections a must for homeowners.
  • Ants – Ants are the most common of all insects on Earth. Ants form large colonies, where wingless workers collectively work together to build a great colony for their queen. Ants are very intelligent, have a complex form of communication, and can solve problems as a group. Ants are capable of delivering a very painful bite.
  • Scorpion – These nocturnal creatures come out of rocks and woodpiles at night to feed. They each possess poisonous venom that is used when hunting prey. Most scorpions are not harmful to humans. However, a bite from Arizona’s bark scorpion will leave a very memorable mark and can kill an infant or any person allergic to its venom.
  • Squirrels – Squirrels are extremely intelligent and persistent pests. They can destroy everything in an attic. Squirrels can ruin your garden, landscaping, chew the insulation in your crawl space, and damage electrical wiring. Therefore, they must be caught, removed and permanently excluded from your home or business.

Related post: How to keep squirrels off the roof?

Commercial Pest Control Obstacles

Pest control is an issue for homeowners and commercial businesses alike. However, while the risk is present for all, commercial businesses are typically more susceptible to rodent problems. Learn more about pest control obstacles for various commercial structures and call in a specialist to rodent-proof your business.

Pest Control — Obstacles for Commercial Structures

Any large structure is specifically vulnerable to pest control issues. The variety of nooks, crannies and dark corners present plenty of opportunities for nesting and infestation. Additionally, businesses with a lot of foot traffic are especially prone to rodent problems, as keeping the entryways sealed at all times is virtually impossible.

Pest Control for Food Processing Facilities

Among the most difficult to rodent-proof, food processing facilities present a serious obstacle in keeping free from rodent problems and other pest issues. Additional concerns for proprietors of food manufacturing plants are the comprehensive state and federal health regulations. Food processing facilities must comply with rigorous testing in order to avoid fines and stay in business.

Under these structures, the importance of quality pest control is crucial. In order to keep food manufacturing establishments rodent-proof, hiring a qualified Arizona pest control specialist with a firm understanding of food industry compliance issues can make the difference between keeping the business afloat and going under.

Rodent Problems in the Hospitality Industry

As with food processing plants, restaurants, hotels, and other establishments in the hospitality industry must meet similar health code standards in order to stay in business. As a potential food source, restaurants and hotels are primary targets for any number of rodents, including pigeons, rats and squirrels.
Additionally, when rodents run rampant, insects are usually present as well. In fact, minor pest control issues can quickly morph into a potentially disastrous situation if left unchecked. As a result, preserving the hard work that goes into running a business with a qualified Arizona pest control specialist is critical.

The Importance of Keeping Health Care Facilities Rodent Proof

When rodent problems and other pest control issues are present in a health care facility, it’s more than just a nuisance. Many health care establishments operate through some form of funding, and pest control issues can compromise that funding and raise serious issues with state and federal licensing.

It makes sense to expect health care facilities to maintain a clean, pest-free environment that caters to the health needs of patients. For this reason, placing rodent problems in the hands of experienced Arizona pest control professionals is a fundamental and highly responsible solution for keeping health care facilities rodent-proof.

How to Address Squirrel Problems

Arizona is home to several types of squirrels. Some of the more common are Abert’s Squirrels, Tree Squirrels and Ground Squirrels. Squirrels are deceptive little creatures in that they seem so harmless with those bushy little tails. In reality, they contribute to serious rodent problems and create a pest control issue.

If you need help with rodents and think one of the squirrels mentioned above may be on your list of culprits, read on to learn more about squirrel problems and rodent control.

Rodent Problems and Squirrel Infestation

Ask anyone who has experienced rodent problems in the past, and they will describe for you how squirrels can wreak havoc on your garden, landscaping, home structure, insulation and the electrical wiring of your vehicles.

These destructive little creatures might seem like a simple nuisance at first, but things can quickly escalate into a severe infestation problem that compromises the safety of your home and family.

Squirrels and Public Health

Squirrels carry a variety of diseases and parasites, all of which pose a threat to your family and pets. The continuous increase of the squirrel population adds to rodent control problems and public health concerns.

Squirrels can be carriers of the West Nile Virus, Rabies and even the Plague. Bacteria and disease can be transmitted through contaminated feces and urine in and around your home.

How to Tell If You Have a Squirrel Problem

Rodent problems are easily detectable if you know how to look. Squirrels are notorious for nesting in high spaces, so check your attic and roof for chewed woodwork and feces signs. Look for similar signs of destruction in your yard and garden.

Preventing Squirrels and Other Rodent Problems

You can stop squirrels from overrunning your home and prevent additional rodent problems by keeping your yard tidy and maintaining your garden. Locate and properly seal potential sources of entry to your home and be sure you have a secure structural foundation. Squirrels are attracted to food, so be sure to keep all food and waste bins properly contained.

Help With Rodent Control and Squirrel Removal

Pest control is not an issue to take lightly. Address rodent problems as soon as possible to avoid a nightmare of costly home repairs and the threat of disease.

Preventing squirrels from taking over your home requires proper trapping and exclusion strategies. If you need help with rodents, contact a qualified wildlife management company immediately to effectively remove rodent problems from your home.

How do I permanently get rid of pigeons?

Arizona has been on numerous national lists of the best places to live in the USA. With a fast development and a growing population, which now over two hundred fifty thousand people, Chandler offers its residents excellent schools, a vibrant community, fine shopping, beautiful homes, a steady economy, lush parks, vast golfing, and an overall excellent place to live in Arizona. The state has grown quickly, which has allowed many new office complexes, industrial centers, and other high-tech companies to move into Arizona or California. This rapid growth has brought with it many great additions to these states. When you think of Arizona or California, you don’t think of a growing pigeon population that is causing homeowners and commercial property managers big headaches and expensive repair bills. With hundreds of thousands of homes in the state and many large sprawling strip malls, the local pigeons have found nearly unlimited resources to maintain a very large population.

Pigeons are being found nesting on home roofs, as well as commercial building roofs. The pigeons have many choices of buildings and homes to create nests, make perches to roost and breed many new birds into their population. With vast parks and lush golf courses, these annoying birds have many food, water, and nearly unlimited shelter resources.

Many homeowners enjoy feeding the local doves, finches, and quail that all make their home. When feeding these birds, many of the pigeons are attracted to the free food source. Whenever pigeons are fed, they will continue to breed and grow in numbers. The pigeons can find other food sources. However, when a homeowner is feeding them, they will likely return and never leave that area.

Commercial buildings are at risk when pigeons begin to take over their awnings, ledges, and rooftops. Pigeon feces contains a high amount of uric acid, which has the ability to corrode metal, burn through the fabric, and expose a roof to a potential leak. In addition to the outer damage caused by the presence of pigeons on the rooftop, the bird’s feathers, feces, and dead bodies can damage air handlers and air conditioning units. The mess caused by pigeons is more than just disgusting. But it can also lead to illness and diseases. The presence of pigeons is the last thing any business owner wants.

Homeowners are also suffering from the presence of these pigeons. Homes are being covered in pigeon feces, leaving expensive cleaning and repair bills. Nesting pigeons can be very annoying, as well as destructive. While the gross mess left behind is very unattractive, the roof damage these pigeons can cause could cause a roof leak or other damage. Pigeon problems are a growing concern to homeowners and property managers. Local pest control companies are often left with their hands tied when facing a pigeon infestation. The only companies that can help with problems are those with the knowledge and experience in pigeon proofing and pigeon control.


Name: Abert’s Squirrel, Ground Squirrel, Tree Squirrel

Scientific Name: Sciurus aberti, Spermophilus tereticadus

Description of Squirrels: Several types of squirrels exist in the United States. We will cover the most common species that you may encounter.

In Northern Arizona, you will likely find Abert’s Squirrels and Tree Squirrels. If you live in the Phoenix or Tucson area, you likely see the Ground Squirrel (a.k.a. Rock Squirrel).

Squirrels Range and Reproduction: The Ground Squirrel can be found all over the Sonoran Desert: California, Nevada, Arizona, and Mexico. The Abert’s Squirrel will normally build an actual nest in a Ponderosa Tree or even parts of someone’s home.

The Ground Squirrel typically lives in underground burrows but can also take over someone’s crawl space or attic. Squirrels are social animals and are often found playing and interacting with other squirrels. However, their natural predators are birds of prey, coyotes and snakes.

Health Information on Squirrels: Squirrels can carry numerous parasites and diseases, fleas and bacteria. They will defecate and urinate in and on your home, making the problem even more complicated. The Center for Disease Control has even determined that squirrels can transmit the Plague. Further, they can carry rabies and West Nile Virus. They are a serious problem and pose serious health risks to humans and pets and damage property.

Important Facts on Squirrels:

  • They carry numerous parasites, fleas and bacteria.
  • Squirrels can transmit the Plague.
  • They can carry rabies and West Nile Virus.